CADEditorX 15.2 released
We kick off the new year with the release of a new version of CADEditorX, an ActiveX component offering all the essential features for working with 2D and 3D CAD files. Version 15.2 is packed with numerous enhancements and valuable new capabilities. Below, you'll find a detailed list of the changes we've made.
3D Format Support Improvements
- Improved import of ACIS, STEP, Parasolid®, SolidWorks®, and IFC formats.
- Added support for the SLDASM format.
- Added the ability to import and export 3D files while preserving their original units of measurement.
- Improved export to STEP format.
- Added the ability to convert OBJ files to DWG and DXF formats.
- Added the ability to change the colors of 3D model parts.
- Added the option to explode ACIS objects when saving.
- Added the option to zoom with a rectangle in the 3D mode.
- New tool to create an exploded view of a 3D model.

Export to PDF Improvements
- Added the option to save PDF files in the CMYK color model.
- Added the ability to preserve layers in PDF files.
Editor Mode Improvements
- Accelerated drawing in the Editor mode.
- Improved the Scale, Fillet, and Bevel tools.
- New offset mode: Diagonal offset.
- New grid mode: Snap line.
- Added the ability to turn off the grid snapping.
G-code Generation Improvements
- Optimized compensation of the radius generation algorithm for GRBL machines.
- Added the ability to generate G-code compatible with lathe machines.
- Added syntax highlighting in the G-code panel.
- Added the option to terminate without returning to the starting point.
- Improved interface in the G-code mode.
Other Improvements
- Improved import of DWG, DXF, DWF, SVG, and HPGL formats.
- Improved export to DWG, DXF, SVG, and PLT formats.
- Added the Grayscale display mode.
- Improved user interface.
- Improved XML API functionality.
- Boosted performance stability in Wine.
- Added demo projects for Qt and .NET frameworks.
- Bug fixes.
To explore the capabilities of CADEditorX 15.2, download its 45-day trial version today.
If you have a license for CADEditorX 15, you can update your version free of charge. If you use an older version, you can upgrade to 15.2 at a special price. Contact us at, we will be glad to answer your questions and help with the upgrade.
Best wishes,
CADSoftTools Team
SoftGold Ltd.