CST CAD Navigator for macOS
Our team is proud to announce that CST CAD Navigator is now compatible with macOS!
Using the software, you can:
- Import 2D and 3D CAD files (including DWG, DXF, STEP, IGES, X_T, SLDPRT, etc.)
- Get information about properties and structure of files.
- Measure 2D drawings.
- Measure 3D models.
- Create section views of 3D models.
- Print.
- Export files to other formats.

To start your 45-day free trial period, please download the version for macOS:
If you use Windows or Linux, please download a corresponding version at: https://cadsofttools.com/products/cst-cad-navigator/download/
Please contact us at info@cadsofttools.com, if you have any questions on CST CAD Navigator features or its licensing.
Best wishes,
CADSoftTools Team
Soft Gold Ltd.