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How can I open the drawing?

To open the required file, press the Open button and specify the path to the file.

Is it possible to save the opened file as an image?

ShareCAD can save the opened drawing as a raster PDF. To save as PDF, press the Print  button then go to the Destination field: Change -> Save as PDF -> OK. For your convenience you can also save your drawing as PDF directly to the Google Disc: the Destination field -> Change -> Google Disc.

How can I rotate a 2D object or a 3D model?

To rotate the drawing use the 3D Orbit button. Click the 3D Orbit button, then click the object/model, hold the left mouse button and rotate your drawing in the required direction.

I’ve uploaded the drawing to your site, but all I see is a blank page. What should I do?

Most likely, your drawing was displayed in a too small or large scale. So, please try zooming in/out the drawing by using the corresponding buttons. If it doesn’t help you, please, try opening this file in another browser or just reload the page.

How do I add the drawing to my web-page?

You can add the drawing to your web-page with the help of our ShareCAD Iframe Plugin. You can find more detailed information about it here.

How can I share the drawing with others?

To get a link to the drawing you need to press the Share . Then the link will be generated automatically, and the drawing will be available online in any browser on any device.

How can I save the opened drawing to another file format?

ShareCAD supports saving as PDF only. If you need to save the drawing to another file format, you can use ABViewer, a universal software for working with CAD drawings.

Do you have any PC version of Online ShareCAD Viewer?

Yes, you can download a free 30-day trial version of ABViewer, a multifunctional CAD viewer, here.

Free Online PDF to DWG Converter

How can I convert a PDF file to DWG?

On the online service page, select the PDF you want to convert (note: the maximum possible file size is 3Mb). When conversion is complete, click the Download file button. You can also send the converted file to your email address.

What version of DWG will my file be converted to?

The online service converts PDF files to AutoCAD DWG 2004.

I can’t convert my file. What should I do?

If the file size doesn’t exceed 3 Mb and you haven’t reached the limit yet (only 2 conversions per day are available), try using the online-converter in another browser. Also you can download a free trial version of ABViewer which has 7 free PDF to DWG conversions. Or, if you prefer to use the online service, clear cookies and cache and then try converting online again.

Not all pages of my PDF file were converted. Why?

The online service enables to convert the first two pages. To convert a whole document please use ABViewer Enterprise.

The extensions don’t match original dimensions after conversion.

Probably, it is display units that differ in PDF and DWG files. The conversion is carried out in millimeters with 1:1 scale. If the measurement units match, but the dimensions still differ, please download a free 30-day trial version of ABViewer and set the required scale with the help of the Relative scale tool (video tutorial). If you still have any problems, you can send us the original and converted files at We will check them and figure out what’s wrong.

I urgently need to convert the third file. What do I do?

In this case you can download a free trial version of ABViewer that includes 7 free PDF to DWG conversions. Or you can wait 24 hours and convert online again when the limit is over.

How long does it take to convert a PDF file to DWG?

Usually, the conversion takes several seconds but sometimes due to the large number of entities in the original file or bad Internet connection the conversion can take up to 7 minutes. If you haven’t received your file within 7 minutes, please contact us at and attach the original PDF.

How do I know if my PDF is raster or vector?

There are two ways to define whether a PDF file is raster or vector:

  1. Open a PDF file in Acrobat/Acrobat Reader. Make sure that the Selection tool for text and images is on. Then click any spot in the drawing. If the whole drawing is selected, it means your PDF is raster. If just some particular part is selected, you have a vector PDF.
  2. Open a PDF file in Acrobat/Acrobat Reader. Zoom in any detail in the drawing with zoom level over 400%. If the contours of the selected object seem to be in high definition, smooth and clear, then it is a vector PDF. If the more you zoom in the drawing, the more blur, grainy and fuzzy it looks with clearly visible pixels, then you have a raster PDF. Please note: sometimes a PDF file may contain both vector and raster objects, that is why it is highly recommended to check several details in the drawing.


Our company wants to buy an ABViewer license, but we’re not quite sure, what version to choose.

ABViewer is available in Professional and Enterprise editions. The Professional edition has the limited set of features, and the Enterprise one has the most extended functionality. You can find more detailed information about ABViewer editions and their functionality here. Moreover, if you are still not sure what ABViewer edition suits you best, please contact us at and we will help you choose the right one.

What license types of ABViewer are available? What is the difference between user and floating licenses?

There are two types of ABViewer licenses: user and floating licenses. A user license can be used by a single person, the license owner, only and a floating license can be used on an unlimited number of computers within one TCP/IP network by any user who has access to this network. The number of computers using ABViewer simultaneously is restricted by the number of purchased floating licenses. More details about ABViewer licensing at the licensing page.

Does ABViewer license have any expiration date?

ABViewer licenses don’t have any expiration date, but the license is valid for the purchased version only. Updates within the major version are free. Upgrades to the latest version of ABViewer (for example, from v10 to v11) are optional and paid.

Does ABViewer have a trial version? What limitations does it have?

Yes, ABViewer has a free 30-day trial version which is available for downloading at (32 bit) and at (64 bit).The trial version has the following limitations: only 7 PDF to DWG conversions are available, the Batch print tool allows printing maximum 3 files, background watermarks while saving and printing drawings.

The trial version of ABViewer has 7 free PDF to DWG conversions. Are there any size limitations for a PDF file?

The trial version allows converting multipage PDF files of any size. Such file will be considered as one conversion. To convert a PDF to DWG use one of the following tools:

  • File -> Import PDF/EMF;
  • File -> PDF to DWG.

How do I get rid of the background watermarks?

To work with a file without any watermarks you need to purchase the required version of ABViewer.

What are system requirements for ABViewer?

Please go to the ABViewer page to see the minimal and recommended system requirements.

Is ABViewer compatible with macOS or Linux?

The current version of ABViewer is compatible only with Windows, but you can try CST CAD Navigator. It is our new CAD application compatible with macOS, Linux, and Windows.

I want to download a trial version of ABViewer. Which version, 32- or 64-bit one, should I download?

A 32-bit ABViewer is supported by both 32- and 64-bit systems. A 64-bit version of ABViewer is supported by 64-bit systems only. To determine the bitness of your computer do the following:
For Windows XP/Vista/7: run the Start menu ->Computer -> right-click -> Properties -> System type;
For Windows 8/10: right click the Start menu –> properties –> System type.

I can’t see dimensions and texts in the drawing. What do I do?

Most likely, the hide measurements mode is on, which is responsible for displaying all the measurements in the uploaded CAD file. On the Viewer tab in the Hide group click Measurements to disable this mode. If measurements are displayed but you can’t the dimensional text, you need to turn on the text display by clicking Texts in the Hide group.

Is it possible to view 3D models in ABViewer?

Yes, viewing of 3D models such as IGES, STEP, SAT and BREP is supported in ABViewer Professional or Enterprise. A free full-featured trial version of ABViewer supports viewing of 3D models too.

Does ABViewer support measuring of 3D models?

Yes, ABViewer allows measuring distance between two points, edge length, curvilinear edge radius, height between two parallel surfaces as well as surface area of 3D objects. Even more, it is possible to get information about overall dimensions of a model. Learn more about 3D measuring here.

How can I measure 3D models?

You can find an informative article on measurement of 3D models in ABViewer here.

Can I convert a DWG file to STEP/IGES?

For now, DWG to STEP/IGES conversion is not supported. Nevertheless, you can convert DWG files to 3D STL or OBJ format.

Does ABViewer have the PDF to DWG feature?

Yes, ABViewer allows converting PDF to DWG. Please note that PDF to DWG conversion is available in ABViewer Enterprise only.

Does ABViewer support CATIA or COREL DRAW formats?

No, it doesn’t. You can find the full list of supported formats at this page.

How to turn off the visibility of some objects in the complex 3D model?

To hide some parts of a 3D model open the Structure panel on the Viewer tab. The Structure panel shows all the file contents and you need to uncheck those of them you want to hide. If you want to see the whole model again, please check the previously hidden parts.

How do I save some part of a 3D model to DWG/DXF?

Before saving a drawing to DWG/DXF you need to hide unnecessary objects of a 3D model. To hide unnecessary elements, open the Structure panel on the Viewer tab. Now you see the full list of file contents, where you should uncheck the unnecessary parts. When the selected items are hidden, go to File -> Save as -> and select required file format (DWG/DXF, etc.). After it, the visible part of the model will be saved to DWG/DXF.

When and how do I receive my invoice after placing an order?

The invoice will be sent automatically after the payment is received.

Is it possible to place a purchase order (PO)?

Yes, you can place a purchase order for ABViewer. Follow these simple rules to create a proper PO:

  • Write the correct vendor address. To state the right vendor address, please contact us at, and we will provide you with the latest vendor information;
  • State the full name of the product you are purchasing and its ID (ABViewer ID is shown after you click the order button near the required ABViewer version at the order page or you can contact us for the required ABViewer ID;
  • Mention the preferred currency;
  • Please, note that you must accept the vendor’s T&C for the PO to be processed.

When you create a PO, please send it to us to finish ordering.

Can I transfer my license to a new PC?

Yes, you can. Please note that each user license can be used by a single person – the license holder.

How to change units of measurement while measuring the object?

Let’s suppose that you know the original measurement units of a drawing, e.g. millimeters, and by default the displayed units are unitless in ABViewer. To convert drawing units to millimeters do the following:

  • Open the measurement settings : File -> Options ->Measure;
  • Select the initial drawing units in the Original units of the drawing field;
  • Select the required drawing units in the Displayed units of the drawing field;
  • Click OK.

Please note that this option is applicable to 2D drawings only as changing of drawing units of a 3D model is not supported in ABViewer.

Common questions

How do I convert a PDF file to DWG?

You can try ABViewer that has a free 30-day trial version and 7 PDF to DWG conversions available. You can download ABViewer here: 32 bit or 64 bit. You can also use our online converter.

DWG files are displayed as raster in IrfanView. Why?

IrfanView is a raster viewer. That is why when you open a vector DWG via CS_DWG.dll plugin it is displayed as an image. To have real CAD quality we suggest using ABViewer, a viewer, converter and editor supporting more than 30 both raster and vector formats. Download ABViewer


What SDK library would you recommend for working with CAD files?

Our company offers different DWG/CAD SDKs, and a lot depends on the programming language and on the required functions of your final application. Please contact us at, and we will offer you a library that suits your requirements.

Where can I find prices for SDKs?

Please send us your enquiry at, and we will send you the full price-list and advise you on the required option.

How do I save the drawing as raster?

All our libraries have demo example showing how to save as raster:

CAD VCL. To save a drawing as BMP, PNG ,PDF and JPEG go to the Ехе folder -> Getting Started. You need to open a vector drawing, and then select File -> Save as in the menu.
CAD DLL. To save a drawing as BMP and JPEG: the Demos folder -> Ехе -> any of the Import or Viewer demos.
CAD .NET. To save a drawing as BMP, JPEG go to the Demos folder -> Getting Started.
CADEditorX. To save a drawing as a raster image, use the following xml-code from the Getting Started demo-project:

      <ExportParams FileName="C:\Users\Saturas\Documents\CADEditorX 12\Drawings\ImageJPG" Format=".jpg">
         <!-- Set quality in percent for JPG -->
         <!-- Set transparent for GIF -->
         <!-- Set dpi for JPG: always 2 parameters -->
         <!-- Compression for TIFF: LZW, Deflate, JPEG, CCITT3, CCITT4, CCITT6, Rle, Auto, None -->

Do your libraries have a trial period?

Yes, each library has a free 30-day trial version.

Where do I find demo examples and CADImport.dll in CAD. NET library

You can find CAD .NET demo examples in the Demos folder, and you will find CADImport.dll in CAD .NET 14 -> bin.

Is it possible to hide the appeared menu when loading file to Web CAD SDK?

You can change and edit all the buttons and texts you see in the browser. To hide the menu bar you need to change html-code in the default.aspx file in the corresponding demo-project folder.

What is a company developer license?

This license type implies that the purchased library can be used by an unlimited number of developers within one company (buyer).

How do I register the library license? Do I need to use Internet for registration?

The library is registered via the program code, which is sent to the customer after the purchase. You don’t need Internet to register the license. Registration is silent for the end-user and is carried out when the application is run.